Why Twitter Likes are represented by a heart symbol?

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Without any doubt, nearly all people are always drawn to heart symbols as these are clear representations of one’s liking or appreciation. Needless to say, it is definitely very elating to have lots of heart symbols in your Twitter profile when you post something- who wouldn’t love to have countless of Twitter Likes anyway?

Twitter developers wish to make this site a very rewarding and easier social networking tool to use. The reason why heart was chosen to represent likes in Twitter is simply because this is a very clear sign to communicate how much you have appreciated or liked a post. In truth, this symbol is so easy to recognize even to those who have just started their account in Twitter.

What is more, the heart is regarded as a universal symbol that echoes across cultures, languages as well as time zones. In reality, it is more communicable in the sense that it allows you to express an array of emotions and instantly connect with others. This is a certified effective symbol to represent Twitter Likes. It is easier to convey your emotions with a heart.f1

In the event that you really do not care about the likes, you can continue to remain impersonal. However, if you care about the likes and you actually want to have them, it is time you got personal. It is time people put a face to the name and it is time that people start seeing someone that they can actually relate to. They need to be able to relate the content that is being posted to a certain person and therefore personality. This will get you a large number of followers simply because they know who they are following. Provided you continue posting interesting content and continue keeping your followers entertained, the followers will then turn into twitter likes.

Spectating on Twitter will not get you Likes

There are people who go on twitter each and every single day, read through what other people are posting, retweets people’s tweets but they never post content of their own. They are never sharing anything and they simply joyride and spectate what other people do on twitter. The sad part about this whole story is the fact that they still expect to get twitter likes. This will never happen.

The one fact that most people tend to ignore about social media is that it is a give and take affair.  You strictly have to give so that you can receive. This simply means that if you are looking to get the twitter likes, you have to give people something to like. Post interesting content, tweet interesting tweets and basically be visible on the platform. Choose to update people on the latest happenings, choose to be the one to make people laugh by posting jokes; you can choose to do anything, at the end of the day it is social media. You just have to give the twitter audience content to like and the likes will begin flowing your way in a very steady flow.f2

Being Selfish on Twitter will Never Work Well for you

Are you looking for Twitter likes? Are you continuously posting content but no one seems to be appreciating what you are posting? Do you find yourself posting each and every latest happening and cracking eth best jokes but no one seems to like what you are posting? Well, this is most likely because you have been selfish as a person on twitter. You only want to receive but you are not willing to give; you just expect that things will automatically fall on your laps.

There are a number of unwritten rules that apply to social media. One of these rules is that you should not expect people to like and share your content if you never do the same to others. You need to get a basic understanding of how twitter works. You follow someone and they follow you back; the same applies when it comes to like. If you continuously show appreciation for the work that others are doing on twitter, the same people will continuously show appreciation for the work that you are doing on twitter. This is actually one of the easiest proven methods of getting twitter likes.